Fox Sebastian Edward Bisset was born on Monday 25th August 2008 at 5.25am by emergency cesarean at Grimsby's Diana, Princess of Wales hospital. Apart from the fact he wanted to stay inside and was over two weeks late, he was a great big 8lb 14oz healthy baby boy. Immediately we could see the nurses looking at one another and biting their lip. At this point nothing was said other than ''Hes just got a little mark on his side'' (assuming they just meant something like a pressure mark from being squashed or delivered). A peadiatrician later came to check him over and told us it was a Capillary Haemangioma and in time, it would disappear. We thought nothing of this mark, which was just like light, see through skin and the word 'birthmark' was never used until later on when I think someone said ''strawberry mark''. Then I knew what would happen to him in the future. I was prepared for the mark to get bumpy and bright red/pink, I'd seen this before and expected it. We never thought he was anything less than perfect and no matter how 'chunky' it got, always thought it would just disappear to nearly normal skin when he was older. The photo above is taken at 4 days old, it had already got much pinker than it was at birth.