Friday, 26 December 2008


Fox was in AH around two weeks. Once returned home, the community nurses would come to him twice a week to help re-dress it and he would return to AH every Tuesday. He took a months course of Prednisolone (steroid) to try and reduce the birthmark a little.

He had several small bleeds during this period, some resulting in admission to either Grimsby or AH depending on where it happened. When this happened, the blood would literally squirt 6 or 7 inches from his body in a continuous flow. Of course we immediately applied pressure but this didn't stop his HB levels continuously dropping.
He had a laser treatment in early December where we had to get up at 3am to get him to AH on time, probably the most tiring day I have ever encountered!

Over Christmas and New Year Fox was in considerable, obvious pain. He would cry constantly, not eat or sleep. At 2.30am on Boxing Day I got up to feed him. While I was waiting for his bottle to cool he was screaming and squirming with discomfort. Withing seconds blood had come through all the dressings and his clothes, pooling the bed clothes beneath him. I shouted up to Mark (screamed the house down....he still didn't hear me though!) and cut off his clothes (not easy ones to remove in a hurry and there is simply no time to waste as he bleeds so fast) and applied several layers of gauze under pressure. He had again gone very pale and quiet and as he'd lose so much blood we called an ambulance. He spent Boxing Day in hospital and had it re-dressed by myself and a nurse, bloods taken
and with his new gift of a knitted santa, was allowed home.