We returned to London on 13th July 2009 for a review (a trip I will not be making alone again!!! Too hard on a train with luggage and baby!). Professor Harper, Dr Syed, Jane Linward and team all came to see his dressing change and we are now using Trimovate cream on the small ulcerated areas left and Diprobase ointment lightly over the rest of the haemangioma to prevent it drying out. Again, also using Mepitel, Sorbsan and Gauzes. The first few changes at home didn't bring much hope but with the last few it does appear to be reducing the large open area.
The photos are 10th July and 25th July. You can click on any photos to view larger image.
For all of us this whole this 'experience', apart from being emotionally and physically draining at times, has been quite hard financially too. We continued to use our savings to enable Eve to live with Fox during all his hospital stays. We do not get help with transport and also, not returning to work to care for Fox, we lost Eve's income. Luckily we haven't been so bad to the point where would lose our home or anything to that effect but we have had to cancel our wedding next April. Of course we did lose more money doing this but there was no way we could save the cash required in time and did not want to burden ourselves with a loan to then worry about for another five years, so little Fox will have to wait a bit longer to get a mummy and daddy with the same name! After everything we've been through, the wedding did seem to become less and less of a priority and maybe now isn't the right time to be piling another stress on to ourselves.
So, Fox is continuing to have his dressing changed at home three times a week and we email photos to Jane Linward every Friday so she can keep track of his progress and we're hoping to return some time in August but unsure when due to staff holidays at the moment. His progress is absolutely great. Hes up and about and all over quite happily now and never has any pain killers. He continues to take Propranolol and iron daily.
Again, thank you to everyone who has donated to Fox's just giving page, everyone has been more than generous! He got through to the finals of a local baby competition but didn't win. Top prize went to a very deserving little boy who is also donating some of his win to a charity.