Saturday, 14 November 2009


We hope to shortly put up a video of Fox having his dressing changed and talk through it. It has helped so much having the last two different dressings so I will go through the first dressing, which REALLY helped heal his big wounds, and also practically explain his current dressing. If you have a child with an ulcerated haemangioma at present and you can't get it to heal, this could help. Theres quite a lot to fit in so it could end up being quite long but will keep as short as possible!

1 comment:

  1. I'm very glad to see that Fox his getting better, and sad to see that it took so much time... Our little girl, Joana, with one month has a similar mark on her chest and another on her face, nose and lips, I will post you some picture soon.

    We are flying today to France to start a treatment based on propranolol.

    Thank you for sharing all the informations, it is very important for us and many deseperate familie around the world.

    Any news we have and I will shared to you!
