Wednesday, 18 November 2009

Ulcerated Haemangioma Dressing

The Dressing videos!

Part one is an explanation, Part two is a demo, actually doing Fox's dressing. Hope they're useful to someone :o)

Part 1 -
Part 2 -

Saturday, 14 November 2009


We hope to shortly put up a video of Fox having his dressing changed and talk through it. It has helped so much having the last two different dressings so I will go through the first dressing, which REALLY helped heal his big wounds, and also practically explain his current dressing. If you have a child with an ulcerated haemangioma at present and you can't get it to heal, this could help. Theres quite a lot to fit in so it could end up being quite long but will keep as short as possible!

Wednesday, 4 November 2009

Great Ormond Street, 2nd November 2009

We visited the team at GOSH again this week. Fox is keeping the same dressing on so we'll see if it changes over the next 8 weeks. I think we're pretty much aware of how there really is no more we can do now (short of raising £££££s and going to get it removed). I think it will ulcerate continuously until hes much older and its disappeared of its own accord. He is also coming off the Propranolol over the next four weeks. As said before, he didn't start this until he was 9 months old so it was already 'fully formed' in to what it wanted to be so it wouldn't help much. Propranolol needs to be given to very young babies while the haemangioma is still developing. After that he will no longer need any medication daily!
He will have another ultrasound to check up on the small ones on there too next time we visit or if we can get there beforehand. So, all in all, not much change right at the minute. it will be interesting to see how it copes with no Propranolol in 6-8 weeks time.
The pictures show how the wounds have now shaped his skin.